====== Welcome to PointCloud2BIM_UI ====== The [[start|PointCloud2BIM library]] provides a set of algorithms to facilitate the processing of 3D Laser scans of buildings (Point Clouds) and identification of fundamental entities, such as floors, rooms, walls and openings. The PointCloud2BIM_UI is a user interface built on top of PointCloud2BIM library. It provides access to the top level algorithms (floor, room, wall and opening detection) of the PointCloud2BIM library from graphical user interface. ===== About ===== The 3D laser scanning is a convenient and accessible technology to document the existing infrastructure including buildings. The output is a set of data points in space, so-called point clouds. While point clouds can be directly rendered and inspected, they need to be converted into BIM representation for efficient digital processing. The PointCloud2BIM aims to automate this transformation to a large extend by providing a set of tools and algorithms for this purpose. {{ :images:pointcloud2bim_idea.png?nolink&800 |}} The PointCloud2BIM_UI is written in JavaScript. It can be compiled into its respective binaries on Unix/Linux systems and Windows systems using Electron.js framework. Each of the segmentation steps is operated in a separate tab. The inputs are specified in user-friendly forms without touching the command line and the PointCloud2BIM library routines run seamlessly in the background. ===== Documentation ===== * [[http://mech2018.fsv.cvut.cz/pc2bim/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=docs:pointcloud2bim_ui_manual.pdf|User manual]] ===== Obtaining PointCloud2BIM_UI ===== The PointCloud2BIM and PointCloud2BIM_UI can be obtained from Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University. Please send e-mail to borek.patzak(at)fsv.cvut.cz regarding licensing options. ===== Authors ===== {{ :images:civil_engeneering_logo.jpg?nolink&200|}} Edita Dvořáková, Bořek Patzák, Daniel Rypl and Jan Voříšek Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Contact: borek.patzak(at)fsv.cvut.cz ===== Acknowledgements ===== The development of this software was supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, under program of the National Competence Center 1 as project “Center for Advanced Materials and Efficient Buildings (CAMEB), project registration number: TN01000056. ===== Examples ===== ==== Simple office building, one floor ==== | {{:images:example1:1.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example1:10.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example1:30.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example1:50.jpg?direct&200}} | | Original point cloud (85M points) | Room detection | Wall detection | Opening detection | ==== Administrative single floor building with equipment ==== | {{:images:example2:1.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example2:10.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example2:30.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example2:50.jpg?direct&200}} | | Original point cloud (63M points) | Room detection | Wall detection | Opening detection | ====Single floor of a furnished office building – more complex floor==== | {{:images:example3:5.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example3:10.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example3:30.jpg?direct&200}} | {{:images:example3:50.jpg?direct&200}} | | Original point cloud (108M points) | Room detection | Wall detection | Opening detection |